Work Ethic
Work Ethic
Remember, hard work is the foundation of success. Let me tell you a quick story of when I learned this for myself during my first year of door to door. I had heard of this guy named Russ that had been in the top 10 reps for years and years. But there was something different about Russ. He wasn’t that good of an actual salesman. I had to see what the hype was about so I set up to watch him on the doors. I did not last more than two hours with Russ. I couldn’t stand how akward he was with customers. He really was a horrible salesman. I asked him how in the world he was one of the elite in the entire company and his answer was exactly what I expected. “I outwork everyone, Marc. it is my superpower.” It doesn't matter how skilled you are as a salesman, without dedication and effort, it will be impossible to achieve your goals. In fact, the most successful reps are typically the ones who work the hardest, not the most talented. The famous quote is “hard work beats talent when talent isn’t working hard.”
Don't be disheartened by bad days or weeks. In fact, expect that they will happen. This is door to door sales. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and good things will happen. Here are some foundational principles to being a hard worker. Determination, effort, growth oriented, dedicated, humble, goal setter, and someone that just doesn’t quit. One my favorite sayings in door to door is “just one more door.” I always had a goal in my office to be known as the hardest worker. I knew that if I did that, good things would happen.
We don’t have control of a lot of things in life and in door to door but we do have every bit of control of the effort we put into this job. One of the things we love the most about it is that it can and will be one of the best things you have ever done for you life if you work your freaking butt off. Do not let a single day go by where you don’t lay in your bed with absolutely nothing left. This, repeated over time, will maximize your summer and set the tone for the rest of your life.