Resolving Concerns
Sometimes customers will give us objections at the door that are backed by a true concern. As a rep, this can be identified if the homeowner seems as if they have knowledge on the topic or if they know someone that has shared a concern with them. This does not mean that the homeowner has a condition. Conditions are unsolvable things that means a person can not go solar. Renting, Failed Credit, and specific kinds of roofs may keep homeowners from being able to go solar. Here are some examples of true concerns:
“What if the new homeowner doesn’t want the panels?”
“My family member got solar and they were paying two bills.”
“I don’t want the panels to void my roof warranty.”
“Solar is a long term commitment.”
“I don’t want panels on the front of my house.”
“I don’t understand the tax credit.”
“I don’t want anything else on my credit.”
All of these concerns have some sort of background knowledge behind them which is why the customer is bringing it up. These concerns need a little more attention to be able to overcome them and build enough value so that the customer will be willing to set an appointment. True concerns can be solved using a couple different methods:
Feel-Felt-Found: This method requires that the rep is credible in the neighborhood. They need to have talked to neighbors who already have solar and use their experience to resolve the concern. You then need to have a good transition to keep the sale progressing. (Sometimes the best transition Is a pullback)
Homeowner: “Yeah, solar is a long term commitment that we don’t think we are ready for.”
Rep: “Totally hear you. Do you know the Johnson's down the street? They got solar about a year ago. They felt the same way as you guys at first, but what they found and ultimately the reason why they decided to go solar was that they were already spending money on their electricity, but at least now they could save money and have control over the price to avoid unexpected rate hikes. Their house was just like yours where they were getting smashed by the sun all day, so going solar was a no brainer. About how much are you spending per month on your electricity?”
REPLY, and TRANSITION) when dealing with an objection. Here are some examples below:
C: #1. Are you selling solar? Not interested.
R: Are you asking if I sell solar panels? No, I am not selling solar.
I’m actually here for a totally different reason. Do you know about
the PPA program?
C: #2. Not interested.
R: I'm sorry, you’ve probably been harassed by tons of guys
trying to sell you solar. They make my job really difficult. I'm here
to find homes that qualify for something a little bit different. Have
you heard about your neighbors who are on this program?
C: #3. Not interested.
R: Not interested in what? I'm actually just here about the rate
increases in the next few months. It may not pertain to you
anyway, depends on your bill. Do you pay over $___/mo to (utility)?
C: #4. Not interested.
R: I hear you, was your average utility bill less than $___/mo
then? Because this won’t apply to you if your average bill is less
than that. Hopefully it is. Do you know about the monthly high
and low of what you paid last year?
C: Costs too much.
R: I agree. That's why I stopped by. I've been working with a lot
of the neighbors who qualify for the PPA program. This program
is for homeowners who want solar but don't want to spend the money to purchase it. Either they are moving soon or would rather save their money. Are you familiar with the PPA?
C: I need some time to research.
R: That's actually why I'm out here. Many of your neighbors like
“Jim” are interested in solar but need more information. My job
today is to get you the information you need to understand if
solar is right for you.
C: #1. Can you leave me with some literature?
R: Absolutely, that’s what I’m here for. Can I ask you a question?
Why haven’t you guys been able to get solar yet?
C: #2. Can you leave me with a brochure?
R: Absolutely, that’s what I’m here for. Can I ask you a question?
Was there a reason you guys don’t have solar yet?
C: #3. Can you leave me with a card?
R: Absolutely, the next time I am in the area I’ll drop it by. My job
is a little bit different though. ALL I DO is see which homes qualify
for the PPA program through tell-tale signs of high cost of
electricity bills and good roof faces. At this phase, it’s too early to
know if solar can even work for you. Once I get an idea of how
much electricity you used last year, I set up a time to bring back a
proposal and all the literature we have so you can make up your
mind THEN. Was your last month high, middle, or low cost for
you guys?
C: #4. Can you leave me with some literature?
R: Absolutely. I've been putting together a couple options for many of your neighbors already. Like you, they want to know if solar is right for them. My job today is simple. I'm here to get your electric usage. With that info, I can return and give you the information you need to see if solar makes sense—because you don’t want to do something that doesn’t save you money right?
C: We are waiting for better technology.
R: You’re saying you’d rather wait for better panels to come out?
I can see why you're saying this. If your home qualiÞes for the
redirection program, you won’t have to worry about that
concern. Have you heard of the redirection program?
C: I don’t want to sign up for 25 years
R: You’re saying you might not want a contract, right? Good
concern; the reality is that we are all under contract with our
current power company. If we don’t pay them money for the
energy we use, then we get disconnected. Is there ever a time in
the future where you feel electricity won’t be needed?
C: I’m concerned that the new owners won’t want the solar.
R: Great question, the best part about this is that the system
actually helps the home to sell quicker because the cheaper cost
of living that comes with buying it. It’s a selling point. The
homes that have pools are similar. If the buyer just doesn’t want
a pool, they won’t come look at your house. If we list it corre ctly
with the home sale, it becomes a no-brainer for them to have
cheaper power. 99% of all homes we have installed solar on
them transferred successfully! So was your last month higher or
lower thannormal?