The Sale Cycle
Sales Cycle
The sales cycle is a pattern that you should model your pitch after. We always begin with some sort of intro or hook to catch the homeowner’s attention and break preoccupation. From the “intro” we move into building “pain”, which in other words means helping them identify what is wrong with their current situation. Remember, if they don’t feel like there’s anything wrong with what they are currently doing, they won’t feel the need to look into solar. Once you’ve built enough “pain”, you will present how solar is the solution to that problem. Now that momentum has been built, you’ll “close” which in this case will be setting the appointment.
The Sales cycle is the process that you walk through in your head as you make a sale. It naturally progresses from one stage to the next. As a new sales rep, if you are ever unsure of what to say or do next, just think of the sales cycle.
Pre-impression — The view that people form of you (and vice-versa) before you speak. Introduction/Opener — Introduce yourself and begin the sales cycle.
Build Pain — Introduce a problem/need for the service that is present.
Create a Solution — Tell them how our program will alleviate the issue.
Close — Ask for the sale
Resolve Concern — Provide solutions to concerns and solidify the sale.
A typical sale requires going through the cycle several times. After resolving a concern, you begin again with building a new pain that you can solve.

Now if you think you’re done, you’re only part way there. You should be ready for the customer to have a concern and not want to set an appointment… this is where the art of selling comes in. Overcome the objection in a professional and tactful way, and then continue the sales cycle over again–transitioning into another pain point, presenting the solution and then closing again. You should be able to go through this cycle 3 times, standing your ground and walking the customer through the possible misconceptions and doubts about solar.