Old Age

2 - The Foundation

“I’m too old”

Overcoming this objection is similar to the “I’m moving soon” objection. You’ll need to help the homeowner see that there is much to benefit from in the short term. Be quick to the point! Also be mindful of the time you spend on the door, you may often waste a lot of time in conversation with old people as they may not socialize with many people. The main thing you’ll want to focus on is the effect inflation has on someone with a fixed income. Ask questions that will help you understand their situation. How long will they be living in the home? This will help you determine if they’ll move and benefit from the home value increase. Will the home be inherited by the family? If so the family will receive the value increase of the solar. What does their taxable income look like? If they pay a decent amount of taxable income, they should qualify for the government tax credits. Here is how you should overcome this concern:

  • Icebreaker: Compliment them
  • Feel: Ex: Hey I totally get it, make sure they’re retired
  • Felt: (bandwagon with the other retired neighbors)
  • Found: Fixed income vs inflation Qualify for tax credits
  • Transitional Question: Ex: How long ago did [power company name] switch your guys meter out?

Customer: If I was 30 years old, I’d do it. But I’m too old to benefit from this.

Sales Rep: What do you mean?? You’ve got to be what… 40 years old? You’re looking great!

Customer: Ohh, I wish

Sales Rep: I’m taking it you’re retired then? (qualifying question)

Customer: Yes

Sales Rep: Well hey I totally understand. In fact, I’ve talked with a ton of your neighbors who are also retired and they expressed the same concern. This program was actually built specifically for folks on a fixed income which is why we’re working with so many people in a similar situation. There’s actually a tax credit that could potentially be paid to you, but it does depend on your taxable income. I’m taking it you’re on social security, is that right?

Customer: Yes

Sales Rep: Gotcha, for the tax credit you just need to be paying income tax. Do you have any other sources of income you’re paying taxes on?

Customer: Yes, I have a retirement account from my previous employer.

Sales Rep: Awesome! Sounds like you’d be a perfect candidate for this. Just know that the biggest change is that there is no upfront cost and your monthly bill won’t increase ever again. Another huge reason your neighbor _____ decided to go solar was because... (Transition to Pain)

Customer: No, just my social security.

Sales Rep: Awesome! Sounds like you’d be a perfect candidate for one of our bill swap programs rather than a purchase. Just know that the biggest thing is that there is no upfront cost and your monthly bill won’t increase like [utility company] does. Another huge reason your neighbor _____ decided to go solar was because... (Transition to Pain)

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