
2 - The Foundation

Identifying a Smokescreen

Smokescreens are objections or excuses that homeowners use to misdirect the rep from setting an appointment or closing them on an idea. Homeowners will give smokescreens when there has not been enough value created to to gain their interest. To begin, you must be able to identify if the objection that the homeowner is giving is a smoke screen or legitimate concern. With smokescreens, they can be identified if the customer does not have a legitimate reason for them to bring up the concern.

Common smokescreens are:

“I am busy.”

“Solar is Expensive.”

“I am not interested.”

“I do not think the technology is good enough yet.”

“We have already talked to someone.”

“ I need to talk to my spouse.”

“I want to do my own research.”

“I have a low bill.”

Smokescreens can be overcome in different ways. However, they must be overcome quickly and efficiently to keep progressing the sale. It is very important to address the smokescreen and follow it up with a question/transition. This can be remembered by a simple acronym: AIM

  • A = Acknowledge
  • I = Ignore
  • M = Move on

Here are some examples of common smokescreens and how to overcome them.

Customer: “I am busy, can you come back next week?”

Rep: “We are really busy as well so I will be super quick, my job is not to sell this stuff it is to see if your home qualifies. Do you know how much power you use? This way I can see if this something you guys will even want me to come back for.”

Customer: “I am not interested.”

Rep: “Totally hear you. I am sure you didn’t dream about solar last night. But real quick, have you even give someone the time of day to see what this looks like?”

Customer: “We have already talked to someone.”

Rep: “Oh Really? Well now I’m curious. Why do you guys not have solar yet?”

Customer: “It is expensive.”

Rep: “Your right. But so is your power bill which you pay forever. There are new programs that make are no money down and act as a bill swap. Let me ask, if you could pay the same amount either way, would you rather rent or own this home?”

Smokescreens should always be handled quickly and efficiently. Most homeowners will throw 2-3 smokescreens at a rep before the rep will be able to build enough value to create enough interest for a customer to set an appointment. Notice how in all of these examples, you acknowledge what the homeowner is saying. Their attention is then redirected by a question or transition. What sets the good reps apart from great reps is how many smokescreens they are able to get through in a pitch to create value.

The general rule of thumb in the sale cycle is the first time a customer brings up a concern or question, it is most often just a smoke screen as a way to get you off their doorstep. The second or third time they bring up that same concern or question, then it turns into a real concern which you will need to over come it.

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