
2 - The Foundation

Stay Positive

When faced with rejection, discouragement, or negativity, it's natural to feel weighed down by them. However, you have the power to choose positivity and rise above these obstacles. Remember, life is challenging, but it's through these struggles that we develop the strength and resilience to become our best selves. By filling your mind with uplifting thoughts and visualizing success, you can manifest positive outcomes in your life. Embrace the power of positivity and allow it to transform you. Don't forget that books can be an excellent tool for developing a positive mindset. Let your determination and optimism guide you towards a bright and fulfilling future.

Mindset training.

Feed the focus, starve the distractions.

Mindset is everything. In a world packed full of spontaneity, our minds are one of the few objects we can have full control over. However, possessing that ability isn’t inherent, it’s learned.

Our minds are designed, in nature, to do two things…recycle the past, and worry about the future. “I should have done this, or, if I only would have done that.” As equally damaging, “what if that thing in the future goes wrong? What happens if I can’t do X?”

When we recycle the past, it limits our present. That’s not to say that we can’t have good memories, not at all. But dwelling on the woulda, shoulda, coulda’s never proves to strengthen the current mind. This mindset is the primary cause for depression.

Similarly, living in the future, wondering what will happen if all goes to hell. Focusing on what could or might go wrong. This mindset is the primary cause of anxiety.

Yes, our minds are naturally designed to play these tricks on us. Luckily, the antidote is simple. It’s a 3 step process.

Recognize your mind making the jump, either forward or backward. Breathe. Take as many slow, deep breaths as needed to find yourself in that moment, back to the present. Lastly, find gratitude. As you’re breathing, be pensive of anything and everything you’re grateful for in your life. Even if it’s as small as recognizing a sunny day.

Mindset as it applies to our industry.

Regardless if you’re selling in the summer, a blitz, or year round, creating the right mindset is crucial to your success.

David Goggins, ex Navy Seal, current multi ultra athlete, is all around incredibly dialed in his approach to life. He talks often about how he goes about accomplishing the most difficult feats imaginable. Regardless if it’s a 100 mile marathon in the harshest of environments, or a business venture he’s trying fulfill, he lives by three fundamental principles.

Feed the focus Starve the distractions Create mental aid stations

He compares life in business, family, school, or anything else people are trying to succeed in to a race. Talks about how in a marathon, it’s 100% necessary to have aid stations planted throughout the course you’re racing. Those aid stations can contain a change of socks, food, rain gear etc. Having these stations, of course, are necessary for survival but also serve a greater purpose. It allows the runner to stay fully focused on the task at hand. Understanding that in a few short miles, relief is waiting. This mindset allows one to fully buy in to each individual stint of the race, to go as hard as humanly possible. No distractions on “when can I rest, or eat or drink?” It’s already baked into the course, planned.

Relate this to our industry. How do we “feed our focus” and “starve our distractions?” We all have goals. We know what those are. We all have distractions, it’s part of life. The idea is to identify the right time and the right place to allow those distractions to enter our minds, and then plan for it.

Ex…I have a goal of 5 units sold in a day. In order to achieve that, I’ll need to work 8 hrs.

Possible distractions…

-Social Media

-Call from girlfriend

-texting friends/family etc…

Are the above mentioned bad? Certainly not. But timing is crucial. I know I have to work 8 hrs to achieve my goal. If during those 8 hrs, I do any of the above mentioned, the result will be that I most likely will fall short of my goal.

So, instead of randomly taking 20 minutes to sit on a curb to return a call, text, or scroll sm, one should allot time and plan for those activities, to make use of a “mental aid station.” If your start time is 11am, maybe that MAS is 20 minutes before, and then again while taking a break for lunch. Point is, if its planned, it won’t distract from the time when you’re in it, feeding your true focus.

One of the certainties of doing something difficult is that here will most definitely be hard times. Being proactive in prepping your mind to endure, creates endless advantages over being reactive to obstacles and distractions that are inevitable.

Again, mindset is everything and if desired, completely under our own control.

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