Sell or be sold
When you're on the doors, you’ll hear the word “no” many times. Sometimes, you might even hear it multiple times in a row. But don't let that discourage you. Oftentimes, the first "no" isn't a genuine rejection. It might just be the customer's way of trying to politely decline your offer or get back to their daily routine. It's important to keep pushing and continue with your pitch. Don't be discouraged by the first few "no's." As you keep talking and being persistent, the customer may start to show signs of interest.
Remember, it's your job to sell, not to be sold. Keep pushing through those initial rejections, and you might be surprised at how many people end up buying. Even if you're not getting a lot of positive responses throughout the day, don't give up. Stay positive and keep pushing forward. Sometimes, all it takes is one or two successful sales to turn a slow day around. So, stay focused and disciplined, and don't be afraid to persevere through those "no's." At the end of the day, it's perseverance that wins and leads to finding those "yes's" that you're looking for.
“A river is easier to channel than to stop.”
― Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
Regulating momentum is the one of fundamental principles that we live by at Aveyo. There is a cycle that when deliberately applied can ensure that your success builds upon your success, that with every step you take you gain more of it. This cycle tells us that Success builds confidence, confidence builds action, action creates habits, and habits create results or Success. The fact is that everyone likes doing what they are good at and few like to do what they are not good at. Athletes love to compete in sports, artists love to draw, salesmen love to sell. When we are good at something we find pleasure in doing it, we bring confidence into that activity which makes us even better. The more confident that we feel the more we want to do the activity, the more we do the activity the more it becomes a habit, and successful habits are the blueprint to the life of your dreams.
Have you ever felt momentum in your life? Whether it is good or bad we have all felt it. When you’re hot you’re hot and when it rains it pours. What we are suggesting is that you no longer have to leave it to chance. That you can command and regulate the law of momentum and ride the waves created by it to your any desire. Luck is something that is 100% created by your focus, your thoughts, your actions, and you having the responsibility of regulating your feelings moment to moment.
Let’s break down the momentum cycle into segments that we can apply in our day to day lives. The first thing that creates momentum is Success. Now what the hell is success? Everyone wants to be successful yet very few people even know what it means or how to feel successful. Teachers have broken it down as “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal.” Earl Nightingale. The dictionary defines it as – “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” Others feel if they wake up in good health and a smile on their face they are successful. The truth is that it means something different to every single person and it could change depending on what stage in your life you are at. What we do know is that success is a FEELING that is truly unquantifiable. It is a very powerful feeling and it definitely breeds confidence. So how can one feel successful right now no matter what their lives may look like?
It’s all about FOCUS. The most successful people in all walks of life have the ability to selectively focus on what is working in their lives (their wins) and have a “selective amnesia” about what is not working. Selective amnesia is the ability to immediately forget any setback or failure that may show up. Success like winning is a state of mind. Society has programmed us to feel unsuccessful in most of what we do. Our schools have a “one size fits all” approach and if you don’t fit in to the 9-5 slavery model that they set up, society tries to say you are a failure. That you are not intelligent, that you should be flipping burgers, that you should give up the airy-fairy and lofty goals that truly light your fire. The programming runs so deep that our parents buy 100% into the model and feeling that they have our best interests in mind will make us feel the same way if we can’t fit into the mold. This, my friends, is simply not true.
The truth is each of us is so very different that to have a one size fits all program for anything is nonsensical. That being said, if you are reading this chances are you are naturally inclined to solve problems, to influence, to create win-win opportunities, to communicate, to compete and so on. If you are reading this you have the drive to be a successful salesman. Success in this model will require you to become a master of FOCUS. To search for throughout your day, as often as possible small and big wins.
Things that can make you feel successful vs self-conscious and out casted. Our goal is not to be more successful or better than anyone else, but rather to be the very best versions of ourselves and to challenge others to take the same journey. Life is so much more fun when you get your ass off the bench and you get into the game with the intent to win it. Asking yourself questions like- What can I look at to feel successful in my life right now? What am I most grateful for in my life? Are my beliefs supporting my success or hindering it? What is it that I want in my life right now? What are other successful people in the company doing that I can model? Is my attitude a winning one? Can help keep you focused on feeling successful.
The first principle of Empowerment will give you tools on getting to and staying in your power. Below are practices that will ensure success within the organization provided you do what it takes to be in your power.