Field Prep and Goals

2 - The Foundation

reps should use this checklist when working with their leaders and managers. The following checklist includes teaching and talking points that should be discussed and used on the doors.

How to Qualify a Home  Roof Shading Management  Area Management Time Management  The Pitch Break Preoccupation Intrigue  Problem/Solution Transition Overcoming Objections Body Language Non-Verbal Meta-Verbal Getting Usage Get 12 Months of Usage from Local Utility

Setting Appointments Set a Solid Appointment What to Do If Appointment Reschedules or is a No Show  Close a Deal Do a Bill Review Explain Agreement Transition to Close Sign Up Customer and Upload Necessary Docs  Schedule Site Audit  Action Items  Write Down a Pitch After Day 1 on Doors  Pitch and Enter Usage Read Through the Agreement Do a Bill Review Close a deal!

You have worked so hard to get to this point of the training manual.  Almost done.  But stay the course because this next part is incredibly important to your success with this job and your success in life. Its all about setting goals. I often talk about taking Sunday strolls when it comes to this topic.  Sunday strolls, whether by car, foot, bike, boat, etc., can be therapeutic.  You just go and let the path take you wherever it is going to take you.  But eventually, you have to throw your address into the nav and get back home. Our lives need goals because without them, we are simply taking a sunday stroll, with no direction.

Goals can get overwhelming if they aren’t done properly. When you are setting goals, focus on the following: The goal should be positive (something that is moving you in a forward direction), the goal should mean something to you (why will it make a difference to you if you achieve it), the goal needs to be specific (the more finite the better. This gives you a clear cut vision to hitting it), and it needs to be under your control (you want to make sure that it’s your efforts that will get you to your goal).  Set a few short term goals.  (daily, weekly, monthly) and set a few long term goals (year goal, 5 year plan, etc).  A balance of both short term and long term goals is vital to your success in living a quality life.  Start your goals now.

Once you have set your goals, there are a few guidelines that are super important in accomplishing them.  One, believe that you can do it. Believe every day more.  When you lose a little bit of hope in hitting your goal, that is ok. Give yourself some grace and jump back on track.  Two, you dont need a detailed list of steps.  Just know the next actionable step.  Third, tell people about your goal that will hold you accountable to it.  Fourth, write down your goals as often to daily as you can.  Write them down as if they have already happened.  Example:......  Fifth, revise, delete, or change as needed.  

Those that do great things in life are willing to do what others are not willing to so they can have what others dont have.  Setting and chasing after goals is one of those things.  The more you know the direction you are headed in, the easier it will be to get there.  Lets goals be your navigation.


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