Aveyo Full Pitch
Hey how are ya? Good. Real quick, my name’s _____ with Aveyo. I’m taking it you’re the homeowner? Yes Awesome, I’m the person in charge of running the energy reports for all these homes (or mention the neighborhood name), and we’re out here because we’ve had quite a few neighbors who’ve been pretty frustrated with the rate increases that have been happening with _______ (power company). There should’ve been a notice sent out about the price increase coming up, did you guys see that come through?-- it would’ve been by mail or email. No
Build Pain:
That’s alright, most people throw it away. But it basically talks about ______(Power company’s name) raising the rates here soon. Is it you that pays the power bill or somebody else? Yeah I do.
You probably remember last year the rate increased about 8% total, and the reason why neighbors are upset and calling us is because the power company is going to be raising the rate 12% in literally just one month. (each market will be different so be sure to customize this accordingly).
So, my job is to help people avoid these rate increases by going solar. You probably remember a couple years ago solar didn't make much sense because it cost so much money out of pocket and took forever to see a return...You remember that right? (head nod) Recently, A LOT has changed. The reason so many neighbors are deciding to go with us at Aveyo, is if you qualify for our program, it's literally ZERO dollars upfront - so your install fee is completely covered. The second thing is we take your current bill and get rid of it, and we give you a fixed payment that doesn’t go up which allows you to avoid inflation and future rate increases from the power company. Our goal is to get this fixed payment to about the same or a little more than your current ______(Power company’s name) bill.
Pull Back:
Now I don’t know if you guys do qualify for this program, that’s why I came by. The way we find out if you can qualify for this is a few things. First you have to be the homeowner. You guys are not renting correct? Second, you do have to have a credit score of 650 or above, are you guys good there? Awesome. Lastly, do you know roughly how many kilowatt hours your home uses per year? No, I don’t. No worries at all, most people don’t. That just shows up on your power bill
Do you get your bill through email or by paper? By email. Gotcha, if you’ll just pull out your phone real quick… (point and look at their pocket until they pull it out) I can show you where to find the kilowatt hour information. So what I’ll do is take a picture of the bar graph and send it to our energy specialist and they will crunch the numbers and let us know if you prequalify for our program.
Be ready for an objection. Most people will have concerns after the initial close
(Get the usage. Set the appointment. Solidify the appointment.)
Set Appointment and Confirm:
(After you have collected the bill)
If everything comes back and looks good, my energy consultant will stop by and go over the proposal with you. We normally like to meet with both spouses if available, do you live here with a spouse or is it just you? Ok what time would are you both normally home? So it looks like tomorrow at 5pm I could have my energy consultant stop by, will that work to meet with both you and your spouse? Perfect, and he will just sit with both of you at the kitchen table if that’s okay?
Awesome. It normally takes about 45 minutes unless you guys have questions. Well it was great to meet you, and we will see you guys tomorrow