Obtaining Utility Bill
It is essential that as setters, you get the electrical usage information from the homeowner. Without it, the closer will not be able to complete their custom savings report which will either ensure that the appointment doesn’t go through or waste a lot of time in the appointment that could greatly affect the closers ability to close it. By getting the power bill or usage, you are slowly solidifying the appointment since the homeowner is taking extra time to get it for you. If it’s the type of interaction where the homeowner says, yeah I’ll have it ready when he swings by when really he’s just wanting to get back to the game that’s on… do you really think he’s likely to hold his appointment you set? No.
There are 3 ways to getting the usage:
- PDF from the paper or email
- Online Portal
- Calling into the power company
Before asking for the power bill, preface it with why you need to know how much power they use. Once they understand the reason for you wanting to see one of their bills, they’ll be more willing to let you take a look. Be sure to have assumptive verbiage when telling them to get the power bill or usage. Something like “Awesome, just go ahead and grab that real quick for me, so I can see what it’s looking like” or “ Great, just pull out your phone real quick and I can show you where to find it (pointing and looking at their pocket). Obviously you need to be careful that you don’t sound too demanding to where you end up crossing a line, but also don’t be afraid to have some assumptive language in there–a little can do a long way.
What if the spouse handles the power bills? Get them on the phone. Get them to the door. Be confident about it. If there is no possible way to reach the spouse, tell them you will be swinging by later to come and grab the usage. And then MAKE SURE to show up!
Another trick that you could use is telling them, “I’ve got to check your metering real quick to see if it’s been brought up to date. While I do that, go ahead and grab that power bill and I’ll just tap on the door when I’m done. What side of the house is your meter on? Over here or there?” Get creative, and try new things! As you focus on getting the power bill and make it the biggest priority, you’ll be surprised at how many more people sit down, and how many more closes you’re getting.
Statement of Indifference: “Cool, all I’m here to do today is just check on your usage if you are qualified or if you’re not so I can leave you to your day. Once I see that, I’ll be able to tell, right away, if you guys are eligible.”
Option Question: “Do you do paper billing with [Utility], or do you do
everything online?”
Directive Statement: “Ok,
if you could grab that for us real quick.”
Option Close: Do you get your bill in the mail or do you pay everything online? Online. Gotcha, if you’ll just pull out your phone real quick… (point and look at their pocket until they pull it out) I can show you where to find the kilowatt hour information. So what I’ll do is take a picture of the bar graph and send it to our energy specialist and they will crunch the numbers and let us know if you prequalify for our program.