Building Pain
Building Pain
No one will feel the need to take action and change if they are completely fine with their current situation. A common mistake that many salesmen make is that they only focus on the benefits and solutions of their product. We’ve all heard the phrases like “one really cool thing about this product is…” or “with this product you can accomplish…”. Even though it might seem like this method is the best course of action, helping them first recognize the issue with what they’re currently doing will help the customer take action.
If you are building pain correctly, the homeowner should be feeling a lot of discomfort with their current situation by the end of your pitch. If it’s not done correctly the homeowner is going to feel like you are forcing something down their throat. Because of this, one of the best ways to build pain is by turning it into a story. There are a few ways to find ammunition for the area you are working in, the first recommendation might be talking with your manager about the biggest key points to hit on in each market. The next thing we’d suggest is doing your own research–there is so much information out there we just need to simply look. Run anything you find online by your manager so you aren’t misrepresenting information on the doors.
Something you need to remember is that you have very limited time to keep the customers' attention. So only spend time conversing about the most important points. You might find a lot of different ways to build pain, but choose the most powerful ones to get your point across. There are 4 main points to build pain that apply to every market in the country, and there are others that you might find very applicable to the areas you are selling in.
- Inflation
- Rent vs Own
- Zero Control
- Fluctuating Bills or increase in utility rates
These step highlights the product and explains why we are here. In this step, you make a simple explanation of the Loan/PPA/Lease program. Tell them what is happening and why they should care. There are some changes in the laws in the state on how power is being distributed. We as Aveyo in partnership with Sunnova, etc, are bringing in or generating, producing more renewable power in the state.
Informational Statement: (Example): “Here in the state, most of the
electricity is being shipped in from out of state or far away which is why
the rates are going up. Have you noticed your bills increasing over the
last few years? They’ve lost power from the shutting down of Nuclear
Plants (which is causing rates to go up). We step in and increase that
deficit with adding more power in this neighborhood.
Interruption Statement: Not to worry, we are NOT selling panels. I’m
doing something totally different. I know you guys get hit up a lot with
companies trying to sell you.
Find Out Question: Due to these extra fees that go along with it, we
have a lot of people who are seeing if solar can make sense for them.
Just curious, why haven’t you guys gone solar yet?”
This should surface any objections and you can agree with them. It is very important that you don’t forget to AGREE with them:
Validation Statement: “Oh I see, that makes perfect sense, that’s actually the exact reason I’m here. Has someone been by from [the Utility] to explain how the fees work?”
Your job is to find out why they haven’t gone solar and to help them realize that there is a benefit and an easy route to get on board. This is the fastest way to surface any objections because it comes from a place of
indifference. You should come across indifferent to them whether or not
they deal with you. You also need to create a need to hear you out. A mix
of pain and gain points will be your goal here.
Pain/Gain Statement: “My job is the easy part, what I’m doing is on
letting homeowners know how this project will impact your electricity
rates. Basically, if you can participate, you’ll get a discount on power.
And if you cannot participate, you’ll most likely see a rate increase. All
I’m doing is surveying homes to see whether or not you’ll qualify for that
cheaper power. If you happen to use more than 400 kwh a month, the
home qualifies and you get to buy power at a reduced rate. If not, you
just have to stick with the tier program.”
Question: “Are you familiar with the tier structure on your bill?”
CUSTOMER: [Yes or no]
Did you catch the pain and gain part? Why is that effective?
Here’s another example:
Pain/Gain Statement: “It’s pretty much a no brainer for everyone we’ve
talked to THAT CAN qualify for the program. If you qualify, great! If not,
you just have to stick with [Utility].”
The reason we say “program” is you want them to understand the concept
of smarter/less expensive energy first before you bring up the word “solar”.
It doesn’t matter how good our product is, if people have their guard up
because they’ve talked to another person about solar, they think they know
enough and push you away. You want them to understand the basic
concept of cheaper/cleaner power first and foremost.
Tip: No one ever likes to HAVE to do anything. Playing by the utilities’ rules
are not in the customers’ interests; help them see that there is a much
easier option where they can take control of their future rates.
ONLY IF the customer resists, use a Supporting Statement: “It’s pretty simple, the more power you use the more you pay. Like your water bill or the opposite of Costco.”
The customer’s water bill is typically set up on a tier structure too; you usually want to relate how they pay for power to something else that they
already understand.
Now, introduce solar:
…Basically what the program does for the bulk users like yourselves is
allow you to buy the power being made here ON SITE, just like you’ve
seen before with solar on the rooftops. Meaning, it reduces your cost
because the shipping costs are going to be diminished. In other words,
you don’t HAVE to buy solar panels anymore. YOU CONTINUE DOING
WHAT YOU ALREADY DO which is buying what you need—just pay less
for it. It’s cleaner power that’s being produced from your own home. It
helps the customers that pay higher rates from the tier system and locks
you into the cheaper lower rate. It’s awesome.”