Why Solar
Out of all the products one could choose to sell, why should it be solar? The Oracle of Omaha- Warren Buffett said the following: “Energy deregulation will be the largest transfer of wealth in history.” If one of the wealthiest men in the world is talking about energy deregulation creating more wealth than anything else, it’s safe to say this is the right industry to be in and it’s certainly the right timing.
Our country is in desperate need of an alternate energy solution. Electric utility rates have increased an average of 8% over the past year nationwide, and in many of the markets we focus on for solar there are power companies that increase 14 % or even 20% in a year. It’s not a matter of “if” rates will go up, they most certainly will–in fact, rates haven’t gone down once since 1970. We help homeowners purchase solar which will cap the amount they will pay for electricity for the future, guaranteeing no rate increases in the years to come, and an actual end date to paying for their power.
Solar is one of the very rare instances where it’s a true win/win for all parties involved. In most cases when selling a product or service, the salesperson is adding an expense to the homeowners budget in return for the value received by that product or service. With solar, it’s much easier because we are swapping out the current expense the homeowner is paying to their power company with a cheaper one that is fixed and adds value to their home.
In addition to the major benefits received by the homeowner, we are able to make thousands of dollars per deal which is especially rare in the fact that we are saving the homeowner money rather than adding an additional expense, while making a ton of money in the process.
The electrical grid is another beneficiary of solar, in the sense that it helps alleviate some of the strain in producing power while helping to store and protect homeowners in blackouts if they have backup battery storage with their system.
Finally, we are making a huge positive impact on the environment by offsetting the carbon footprint and providing clean green power for our planet.
By selling solar we help homeowners, the sales reps financial growth, the stability of the grid, as well as the planet. Get excited, because there’s no other industry where you can truly achieve financial freedom while benefiting every single party involved in each transaction.