Ingredients of a Top rep in the Company

2 - The Foundation
  1. Schedule: Each day is dialed in with a specific schedule that is kept on a daily basis. What things are important to you make a schedule to fit those things in on a daily basis and stick to them.  If you're married or in a relationship, schedule time for the relationships that are important to you. If fitness is important to you, schedule time to work out each day.   And schedule your non-negotiable time on the doors.  Make sure nothing interferes or takes you away from this  Top performers on average spend an extra 2 hours a day on the doors than everyone else.
  2. Goal oriented:   Have a clear vision of what your goal is and more importantly why you want to hit that goal. Break down what you will need to hit overall on the year, on a monthly basis, weekly basis, daily basis and even hourly.  The more granular you can get the better.  Top performers constantly are using their calculators to break down their goals to reconfirm where they're at and what they have left to do to accomplish their goal. 
  3. Focused:  Stay focused on the goal. Don’t let things distract you from staying on track. When knocking don't allow your phone to be a distraction.  This allows you to be 100% focused on the task at hand.  Top performers have the ability to leave whatever is happening in their life aside when on the doors and focus on the task at hand 
  4. Positive: this job will without a doubt throw many curveballs your way and tough things to deal with.  Top performers just maintain a positive outlook and try and find the positive solution for each scenario to allow them to keep pushing towards their goal. 
  5. Manage Area: You have full control over the area you have been assigned to knock. Top performers always research the area ahead of time to map out their knocking pattern. Looking for ways to make their knocking strategic and effective. Possibly going after the south side of the street at prime time or first of the day to get leads. Also looking for homes with a lot of shade cover to consider skipping thos homes.
  6. Fewer Breaks: Top performers will Eat a sack lunch in their car. Or Use bathrooms of customers instead of having to run to a gas station. Plan out your breaks ahead of time so you stay on the doors as much as possible. Remember that we dont make money by how many doors we knock, but by how people we talk to and set appointments with
  7. Practice - Another ingredient of a top performer is they are constantly reading the training manual and practicing. Even if they have been in the industry for years, they still believe they have something to learn and seek to continue their education and further their skillset. Never stop practicing
  8. Phone sales and follow up: The top reps are always staying off their phones on the doors, but constantly staying on their phones off their doors following up with customers and setting even when not on blitzes.
  9. Calculator: They are always looking at their compensation and calculating their earnings. They are absolutely goal driven while remaining humble to enjoy the journey.
  10. Efficiency: Top performers create and develop critical habits in order to perform at a optimal stage. They will create routines that provide mental health, motivation, consistency, and drive. They look for ways to increase their knowledge while remaining laser focused on their productivity.

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