Hard Close
A hard close requires a response from the customer and a definite commitment. Hard closes are largely assumptive statements or questions designed to set an appointment so the energy consultant, aka Aveyo Closer will be able to come to their house and go over the solar proposal with the customer.
An effective HARD CLOSE will include:
Setting a solid time for the Closer to come by their house, making sure they know the appointment with the closer will 45 minutes to an hour unless they have questions, and obtaining the Utility Bill.
"So, to find out if you qualify, there are just a few things.
FIRST, you have to be the homeowner. You guys aren’t renting correct? Cool, so we are good there.
SECOND, you have to use enough power, do you know how much your bill was last month? Okay what about those scary months during the summer? You definitely use enough power.
LASTLY, I need to see one of your recent bills. Do you guys pay those online or get them in the mail? (Soft close) If you don’t mind, go ahead and pull that up on your phone really quick, I just need to see the little bar graph that shows the yearly usage...(look down at your laminate or iPad immediately)
Awesome so I just need to take a picture of the bill and I’ll send it to my engineers and then they send it back and let us know if the home pre-qualifies and if it will make sense. If everything comes back and looks good, my energy consultant will stop by and go over the proposal with you. We normally like to meet with both spouses if available, do you live here with a spouse or is it just you? Ok what time would are you both normally home? So it looks like tomorrow at 5pm I could have my energy consultant stop by, will that work to meet with both you and your spouse? (Hard Close) Perfect, and he will just sit with both of you at the kitchen table if that’s okay?
Awesome. It normally takes about 45 minutes unless you guys have questions. Well it was great to meet you, and we will see you guys tomorrow at...