2 - The Foundation

B.O.L.T. System

Everyone you will encounter throughout the summer can be categorized into one of four personality groups; Bull, Owl, Lamb, and Tiger. With the correct approach, all types of people can be sold. It will be up to you to identify, categorize and establish relationships with each type of individual.

Bull - They prefer directness and getting right to the point. Do not go off on tangents or you will lose their interest. Be confident in your dealings with them and make sure you know what you are talking about as they can be a bit impatient. Don’t try to tell them they are wrong; they need to be shown the facts to make their own determinations. Don’t use frills and fluff when dealing with a “bull”.

Traits of a bull:

  • Mainly concerned with the bottom line “Get to the point” (not A to Z, just Z)
  • Quick to decide
  • Results-oriented
  • Needs to feel in control of the situation - Prestige and status of brand are more important than the safety of products
  • Business first, then social - Demands respect

Signs that you are dealing with a bull:

  • puffed out chest
  • folded arms
  • Coldly asking. “what do you want” - Down to business mentality
  • Initial fixation on price.
  • “so whats the bottom line?” - Straight faced.

How to interact with a bull:

  • Do not be intimidated
  • Match intensity- hit them with an initial shock then build value
  • Tone should be firm and direct, matching that of bull - Body language portraying confidence and precision - When it comes to your words, Less is More. Don’t be wordy
  • Use the phrase, “so the bottom line is...”

Owl - They are generally introverted and serious in nature. Everything must be analyzed and all questions fully answered for an owl to feel comfortable with buying. Too much excitement is unsettling to an owl. They like stability and routines. You can’t rush an owl to make a decision. It is best to present the facts clearly and concisely and let an owl make up their own mind. The owl is very sharp and very reliable. You only get one chance with an owl so don’t mess it up.

Traits of an Owl:

  • Interested in the details of the service from A to Z
  • Safety of products is more important than prestige and status of company - Takes time to analyze decisions; Slow decision maker
  • Very time conscious (they expect you to be on time!)

How to interact with an Owl:

  • Do not tolerate mistakes (yours or theirs)
  • Does not like over excitement and emotionalism
  • Enjoys solitude and meditation - Business first, then social
  • Be patient, thorough, and engaged
  • Understand that you will have to go through the sales cycle multiple times
  • Use Details
  • Use multiple soft closes before you use a hard close - Important to seem confident in your knowledge of the service and products.
  • Talk about the safety and security of our Installers

Lamb - They are generally more soft spoken and move at a much slower pace. They are good listeners but they do have a hard time making decisions. Patience is a virtue when dealing with a lamb. They can be outgoing or introverted but are generally kind and gentle. Lambs don’t feel comfortable with forceful directness. Use your words and actions wisely and at a slower pace to make them feel as comfortable as possible. You must gently nudge a lamb. The “lamb” will flee if frightened.

Traits of a Lamb:

  • Slow to decide and often change their minds (high buyer’s remorse)
  • Slow-paced
  • Very emotional; safety of products is more important than prestige and status of brand
  • Avoids conflict
  • Wants protection and peace - Social first, then business

How to interact with a Lamb:

  • Be their friend, give direction, and show support
  • Talk about the safety and security of our Installers

Tiger - They are playful so relevant chit chat is fine before launching into the core of a discussion. Tigers won’t give you many clues as to what they are really thinking. Have the patience to have fun with them and coerce them into buying. Tigers are also fast and direct once they make up their minds. Tigers are a little more flexible and playful compared to a bull, however, when pushed the “tiger” will hold it’s own.

Traits of a Tiger:

  • Not into details – prefer that others take care of nit and grit
  • Very social and energetic
  • Fast-paced and is often late for appointments
  • Loves recognition – emotional, likes excitement
  • Prestige and status are more important than security - Likes a challenge
  • Social relationships are important
  • Social first, then business

How to interact with a Tiger:

  • Show interests in their interests
  • Big smile, super friendly
  • Don't be afraid to deviate from the sales cycle in order to talk about their life.
  • Talk about sports teams and the social scene.

Worldwide, different cultures have different mannerisms and norms of communication. While it is not an exact science, we can typically categorize most cultures into specific sections of the BOLT framework. Ask your manager regarding the specifics in your area.

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