Accurate Portrayal Of Identity and Affilitations
1 - The Illinois Orientation
Accurate Portrayal of Identity and Affiliations
- Approved Vendors and their agents must accurately represent their identities and affiliations. Every rep must wear their badge and have it visible at all times
- Reps should not claim to be employed by, representing, endorsed by, or acting on behalf of utilities, consumer groups, or governmental bodies unless they actually are.
- False claims or impressions about identity and affiliations are prohibited.
Use of Utility Name and Logo
- Approved Vendors cannot use logos of public utilities, the ICC, the IPA, the State of Illinois, the ABP, or Illinois Shines except for IPA materials like the Illinois Shines Informational Brochure and Standard Disclosure Form.
- They must not use utility names in a deceptive manner or imply they are soliciting on behalf of utilities or governmental bodies.
- Using utility names to describe offer validity is allowed but cannot mislead customers.
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