Sol Projector
Sol Projector
Use the link below to access our CRM called Sol Projector
What is Sol Projector?
Sol Projector is the platform used by operations, technicians, and finance teams to manage customers and their associated projects. This platform allows seamless communications between all interested parties to the project and provides in-depth visibility into the customer lifecycle.
How will I use Sol Projector?
By accessing Sol Projector the the web, you will gain access to all activities related to that project including milestones, notes, current status, issues, finance details and more. While this platform is intended mainly for operations, should anyone tied to the project want to see this detailed information, it is available for consumption.
How do I gain access?
All onboarded reps will receive access to Sol Projector as part of their onboarding process. On your various sales tools you will find links to your customer projects which will give you an easy path to get right to the data you're hoping to view. No passwords required as the tool is accessed using your phone number to gain login.
How do I get the information I need?
Upon login, you’ll land in a quick notifications page where you can view any company wide announcements. From there you can click the menu and choose projects. Once loaded, you’ll be able to see a KanBan board of your projects including the current bucket the project is in. Buckets are groupings of like tasks that need to be completed on the project, you might think of them most akin to the current status of the project. While operations works each bucket concurrently, not consecutively - your project will remain in the most nearest term (earliest int he lifecycle) bucket until all the actions required in that bucket are completed. Actions are tasks, these need completed in order for the project to be finalized. You can see all the actions needed and the due date of those actions by clicking on the customer and then choosing ‘actions’ from the tab slider.
On that tab slider, you’ll also be able to choose other sections to view that information as well such as details, notes, and tickets. One call out is tickets, this is any item that someone is requesting to be done and can be assigned to a person. Should someone in operations assign a ticket to you, you’ll receive an email advising you of the same with details of the ticket so you can take action to get that issue resolved. The faster you solve the ticket, the sooner the job gets installed! Likewise, you can submit a ticket for help on a project. To do that, just click on the tickets tab and enter the requested details.
I got a notification from Sol Projector, what does this mean?
This could mean a couple things. Here are the most frequent examples:
Scope of work for a customer has been produced or changed. If you get this notification, it will have an approval button on the email. You must take action on this within 48 hours or that scope of work will be automatically approved
Status of your customer has changed. Certain milestones and changes as the job progresses are sent to you. These are intended to be informative and usually don't require any action from you
Tickets. As mentioned above, you may get a ticket assigned to you. If you get this notification, act quickly to not kill the momentum of your project. The faster operations and sales work together, the sooner the customer gets installed!
How can I learn more?
Sol Projector is in early release. We will conduct training soon and publish those trainings on platforms you use frequently for easy access.
What's to come with Sol Projetor?
Just wait, we have big plans for Sol Projector. Our goal is to make solar simple for you and the customer, Sol Projector will be one of the mechanisms to help us achieve this.