SALES  |  March 2024 (last updated)


What is the SOP?

Learn how to submit a perfect clean sales packet.

Why is this SOP important?

When you submit a clean sales packet, your jobs will move faster through the pipeline which will ultimately lead to faster installations and payouts. This provides a better experience for the sales rep, the operations team, and most importantly the customer.


Step 1: (Installation & Financial Agreements)
  • Fully signed installation agreement.
  • Fully signed financial (or lease/PPA) agreement.
  • (Sunnova only) Complete the welcome call or digital welcome checklist.
  • (Everbright only) Complete the digital welcome checklist.

Step 2: (Sales Intake Form)

Complete the online sales intake form:

  • Select the appropriate installation company for the project.
  • List any and all known adders for the project.
  • Select the appropriate finance company for the project.
  • Enter the customer’s primary phone number.
  • Enter the customer’s first and last name (make sure spelling matches what was listed on the signed contract).
  • Select the appropriate lead type (self gen, setter, virtual, soar, etc.)
  • Enter the sales rep’s first and last name (make sure spelling is correct).
  • Enter the setter’s first and last name (make sure spelling is correct).
  • Upload a full and clear copy of the customer’s most recent electric bill (select “collected with Aveyo connect” box if you pulled usage through Aveyo connect).
  • (Market specific) Upload a copy of the customer’s homeowners insurance declaration page.
  • (Finance specific) Upload a copy of the full proposal as a pdf (with design).
  • (Finance specific) Upload a copy of the signed contract as a pdf.
  • Submit the form.

Step 3: (Welcome Call)

Call the Aveyo welcome call team with the homeowner to review project details and book the site survey.